Curriculum Vitae
   Personal data

Identity and contact
Cristian Achim
39 years of age, not married
brancoliticus at gmail dot com

Title and degree
Bachelor degree in 'Computer Engineering and Information Technology'

2004-2013 "Politehnica" University of Timișoara, Faculty of Control Engineering and Computer Engineering
2000-2004 "Grigore Moisil" High School Timișoara
1992-2000 "Generală no. 22" School with Classes I to VIII

   Projects I made

IT themed blog
I gathered things I find important in regard to safely using a computer for a beginner and advanced things in regard to programming a computer to be useful. What I wrote is found in the blog at the url
Software tools: HTML, git.

Traffic simulation GIS project
Project for simulating traffic by interpolating in time and space the points that make up the route of the cars. It is also my bachelor's degree final project.
Software tools: HTML, JavaScript, OpenLayers, Mapserver, PHP, SQL, PostgreSQL, PL/pgSQL, PostGIS, pgRouting, OpenStreetMap data.

2D and 3D graphical algorithms
Various basic graphical algorithms in 2D and 3D implemented from scratch.
Software tools: C.

Reinforcement learning algorithms
Implementing some basic reinforcement learning algorithms.
Software tools: Python, NumPy, Matplotlib.

Gomoku game and artificial intelligence opponent
Gomoku game with graphical interface and rudimentary artificial intelligence.
Software tools: Java, AWT.

SQL automated auction system
Automated auction system implemented on top of the Oracle database system.
Software tools: SQL, PL/SQL.

SQL file system interface
Simplified file system implemented on top of the Oracle database system.
Software tools: SQL, PL/SQL.

Satirical mini-games named 'Spaceball Nuggets'
Tiny games with satirical content, in a series called 'Spaceball Nuggets', available on the internet at ''.
Software tools: Bitsy game maker.

VLSI includeable multiplier module
Simulating a module for multiplying two numbers that can be included in a larger VLSI project, large scale integration of transistors.
Software tools: VHDL.

Temperature reading and displaying system
Hardware and software system for reading and displaying room temperature.
Software and hardware tools: Z80 assembly language, Z80 microprocessor, electronic circuits for supporting the Z80 microprocessor, temperature reading sensor, circuits to display and send the temperature to the serial and parallel ports.

System with display of minikeypad introduced text
Hardware and software system for input and display from a minikeyboard.
Software and hardware tools: C166 assembly language, 83C166 microcontroller, minikeyborad and LCDs for reading and displaying text and graphics.

   Other abilities and activities

Languages known
romanian: native
english: advanced

Activities and hobbies
Weeding the garden, chess, coop video games, video games with story that holds up a mirror to nature.