Mind in top mathematics and science shape

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The main idea
Two main abilities are necessary to succeed: work ethics and creativity. Work ethics means going over the content you want to learn a minimum number of hours each day no matter how well you think you already know it. To succeed you also need to have creativity: search for problems you have never seen before and attempt to solve them without looking at ready made solutions that have been handed to you.

My past experience
Every time I didn't have work ethics and I ignored the need for creativity in the learning process I suffered setbacks.

A wise youtube playlist regarding studying in college
The following link is to a youtube playlist of videos where a college professor explains what I found to be the best way to study a book or a course which is to use summarisation and avoid the scam that is speed reading: youtube link . Summarise the paragraphs one by one and write down the summaries to use them later when you go over the material to recall it.

A mathematics present accesible to everyone
The book that I am refering to is titled Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction and is writen by the Fields Medal awarded Timothy Gowers. The book brings toghether a variety of mathematical topics explained in the simplest way that the author could think about that is accessible to high school students. The presentation is meant to show how a research mathemtatician thinks about mathematics and also show the historical development of the subject to people that are laymen of mathematics.